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Prevent Chronic Disease with Better Choices

From our Partners at Alberta Blue Cross

We all make choices every day that affect our health and we know unhealthy lifestyle habits can increase our risk of developing a chronic disease.

When managing a chronic disease, Alberta Blue Cross recommends that often it can begin with finding a primary care provider. This may include a family doctor or involve other health care providers, community-based programs or referrals to specialist programs and services that support your health.

Managing Risk Factors for Chronic Disease

The World Health Organization estimates at least 80% of heart disease, stroke, diabetes and 40% of all cancers are preventable through lifestyle management.

Approximately four in five Canadian adults have at least one chronic disease risk factor that can be changed according to the Public Health Agency of Canada.

Adopting just one healthy lifestyle habit can extend life expectancy by two years, according to Harvard health researchers.

Positive Choices in our Daily Routines

Lifestyle can make a difference in preventing as well as managing chronic disease.

Consider the following changes to make in your daily routine to help lower your risks and prevent chronic disease.

  1. Eating Healthier
  2. Move More
  3. Quit Smoking
  4. Reduce Alcohol
  5. Manage Stress

These changes may seem obvious – since we’ve heard it all before – but it’s up to us as we make choices each day to prevent chronic disease.

To learn more about protecting your health, review the many options available with Blue Cross Health Benefits.

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